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Improv is a life skill.

Improv is a performance art form that operates without a script, much like life. It is one of the most challenging art forms to grasp. The reason it is so because of the unplanned nature of Improv and yet one has to make meaningful sense through each of those unplanned moments. Life is like that. To become skilled in being an actor, director, writer, editor all at the same time, on stage, in front of a live audience is tremendous. The journey to mastering Improv is as rewarding as it gets. 


Some of the most fundamental aspects that Improv teaches us is about who we are as we interact and express ourselves through the Improv activities we play. These realizations help us understand ourselves and step up in areas we'd like to particularly improve. â€‹



Overcoming fear

Listening better

Learning to emphatize

Being more observant

Understanding energies of people

Cherishing your individualism

Being more accepting of others

Making others look good

Finding a collborative spirit

Being creative fearlessly


Stage presence

Body language




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