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Get into the shoes of your character and replay important moments from the workplace enabling discussion.

We are trained to facilitate full fledged performances whether improvised or devised. In case of role play, either our trained performers can be the cast that plays out characters and scenarios or we can train your selected workforce to play them out. In either case, this method of communication becomes wonderful to highlight situations through a narrative. 

What you'll get from introducting Role Play Scenarios

Visual Effectiveness: More than PPTs or talks, bringing forth a visual representation of the situations that occur at the workplace will lead to better retention. 


More engagement through participation: Having the workforce spend time in bringing devised pieces such as these out in the most authentic manner will make them feel like an important part of a much larger noble exercise the company is striving to communicate. Their colleagues too will not only root for them but also become more curious and interested in witnessing the final result of the hard work. 


Making it relatable: With role play performances, moments that audience members relate to start showing up. These moments further become necessary for each person who may have gone through the same, to not feel singled out and really find an encouraging step forward to open up about their experiences too. 


Discussions: The impact of role play is tremendous. Once the performance is over, when the floor is opened up for the audience to share their thoughts and experiences, it creates a safe and encouraging environment for the workforce to express themselves which can feel empowering. 


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